Publication Party

My book on classical music, Past Sounds – An Introduction to the Sonata Idea in the Piano Trio,  came out on 29 April, prompting a very enjoyable Publication Party to celebrate this long-awaited event!  We were honoured to have the distinguished British composer David Matthews present, as well as music-loving friends and family.  One of David’s own piano trios is described in the book, and it was an exciting start to the event to hear him introduce Past Sounds in very positive terms.  Then we heard a brilliant performance of the first movement of Schubert’s great Piano Trio in B flat, performed by the excellent English Piano Trio.  Like David, their violinist, Jane Faulkner, has been a great source of encouragement to me ever since she first read my MS.  There were plenty of copies of the book set out for inspection – Austin Macauley have made an admirable job of its production, and the layout and cover design were greatly admired.   All of this seems to have been much enjoyed by our guests, who went off promising to read the book and spread the news of its arrival amongst other likely readers!

The English PianoTrio pictured at my Publication Party,

with David Matthews second from the right; I am on the far left

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