News Piano Trio Society

Book launch of “Past Sounds” - a review of the event by Jane Faulkner - from the Piano Trio Society Newsletter


David Josefowitz Recital Hall, Royal  Academy of Music, 30th Oct 2022.

This project was many years in the making for Gillian Perrin, and she had been in close touch with the Piano Trio Society for the last few years. Her enthusiasm and passion for exploring the development of sonata form

and its continued presence through the romantic period and into more recent years is brought to the fore in this admirable book.  With many examples of piano trio compositions, heard on easily navigated audio clips, it is highly readable, and very attractively presented with illustrations of art and architecture of the relevant periods. It is suitable for any person interested in music and the arts.


The event was held in the David Josefowitz Recital Hall at the Royal Academy of Music on

30th October 2022.


The  recital  hall  was  filled  and  a  diverse  selection  of  musicians - performers, composers, academics and interested amateurs were present. The atmosphere was positive, friendly and buzzing.

On  behalf  of  the  Piano  Trio  Society  I  gave  an  opening  welcome and  introduction  to  the  evening,  before  handing  over  to  Gillian. Gillian’s talk was complemented by excellent performances from the Astatine Trio, pictured here.   Formed at the Royal College of Music  in  2021,  the  Astatine  Trio  was  awarded  First  Prize  at  our 2022 Senior Intercollegiate Piano Trio Society Competition. It was therefore fitting that this talented ensemble provided the musical contributions. 


Gillian divided her talk into four sections, each ending with an associated piano trio movement


1. In the Beginning: The Fortepiano Sonata with Accompaniments

J C Bach, Sonata in C op 15 no 1, 1st movement

2. The Classical Fortepiano Trio

Mozart, Trio in C K.458, 2nd  movement

3. Out of the Salon and into the Concert Hall

Beethoven, Trio in D op 70 no 1, ‘Ghost’, 3rd  movement

4. The Piano Trio after Beethoven

Brahms, Trio in B op 8, 1st movement


Following this fascinating and engaging talk with outstanding musical performances, Dr Chris Brammeld, committee member of the Piano Trio Society, gave some words in conclusion and thanked all involved.  There was then an opportunity to purchase copies of the book, signed by Gillian, and to enjoy some refreshments.  It was a sign of the success of the evening that not only did Gillian part with an enormous number of her books, but many guests stayed to the last minute before we had to vacate the recital room!    This was a unique  event and the Piano Trio Society was extremely glad and proud to be involved in its presentation.


 Jane Faulkner, founder chairman of the Piano Trio Society

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